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National Fishing in Schools Program
NFSP CAST launches mobile app for "Cast A Fly, Catch A Student"
F.I.S.H. Tournament - Lincoln, Nebraska; September 23, 2015; 150 high school students expected; see flyer - drat! Another rain out!
NFSP CAST publishes the "Cast A Fly, Catch A Student" reference textbook, "Learn How To Fly Fish", in ebook format on Amazon.
NFSP CAST publishes "Learn How To Fly Fish" mobile app to Google Play Store; comprehensive instruction from the curriculum and equipment vendor of the National Fishing in Schools Program. Ideal for those wishing to self-study from any device.
F.I.S.H. Tournament - Lincoln, Nebraska; May 13, 2015; 175
high school students expected;
see flyer
Fly Fish America features article on NFSP . . . see article
Lincoln Public Schools pics of F.I.S.H. Tournament . . . LPS slideshow
F.I.S.H. Tournament makes front-page news . . . Front page September 18, 2014 Lincoln Star newspaper sideshow
September 17, 2014 - NFSP F.I.S.H. Tournament, Lincoln, Nebraska . . . details
July, 2014 - Cortland announces support for NFSP . . . "For Education, we’re partnering with the National Fishing in Schools Program. The future of the sport and of the resource depends on it. We encourage you to learn more and consider getting involved directly as a volunteer, too." . . . read more...
Lincoln Southwest High School breaks the record: "Katie, Thanks for asking! The kids had a great time and we caught a ton of fish, 538 to be exact." Lis Brenden. PE Teacher 5/9/2014
Responsive Management releases "2014 Preliminary Report" on survey of National Fishing in Schools Program teachers and students . . . download PowerPoint (please contact us for the complete report: 74 pages)
TU "8th Annual Tie-A-Thon" to benefit "Fishing in Schools" . . . see flyer
Nick Wiley, Director, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, joins FEF Board of Directors . . . Fall, 2013
Nebraska F.I.S.H. Tournament set for September 17, 2014
David Whitehurst , Director, Bureau of Wildlife Resources, Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries, joins FEF Board of Directors...Fall, 2013
September, 2013 . . . Colorado Parks & Wildlife announces NFSP training.... see flyer
2013 . . . Washington, D.C. schools produce their version of
"Fishing in Schools" . . .
YouTube videos
1, 2013: NFSP report highlights doubling of schools in the
2012-13 school year;
request a copy of the report to be sent by postal mail
June 5, 2013: Tracy Krause, FEF board member and co-author of "Cast A Fly, Catch A Student" curriculum wins NFL PE award . . . Article
Local TU chapter pushes NFSP school to success . . . Article
May 10, 2013: Tennessee TV, Fox 17, covers NFSP...You Tube video
May, 2013: Tennessee to lead nation with first F.I.S.H.*
(* Fishing In Schools Happening)
DEADLINE 5/1/2013: TU offers "Teen Summit" . . . great opportunity for NFSP students! click for details; for a broader list of youth-oriented camps & academies, click here
Thames River, CT, newspaper article . . . introduces "Fishing In Schools" to Connecticut
2013: NFSP partners with Trout Unlimited and National Recreation Foundation to support 10 or more schools in Connecticut in "Fishing In Schools"
. . .
Fly Life online article
Tennessee "Wild Side" features "Fishing in Schools" . . . Tennessee "Wild Side"...
Denver CBS TV News covers NFSP at International Sportsman's Expo . . . see coverage
Ohio school initiates "Fishing in Schools" . . . see news article
Alabama to initiate "Fishing in Schools" educational opportunities . . . see press release
For release September 10, 2012 . . . Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency "Ups the Ante" for NFSP...see press release
September 5, 2012 . . . Responsive Management publishes preliminary data on NFSP survey results...view document
August 18, 2012 . . . CasTarget wins "Best Youth Specific Product" Award at the International Fly Tackle Dealer Show in Reno, Nevada, for the 2nd consecutive year...see press release
August 16, 2012 . . . NFSP to host roundtable discussion at International Fly Tackle Dealer Show in Reno, Nevada: “HOW NASP PROPELLED THE ARCHERY INDUSTRY TO NEW HEIGHTS" & its sequel, "How Fishing in Schools Can Propel the Fishing Industry To New Heights". Learn more...
July 9. 2012 . . . American Fly Fishing Trade Association announces partnership with NFSP. 3 year program will enable AFFTA-member retailers and manufacturers the opportunity to embrace their local schools by participating in the educational process. Learn more...
May 15, 2012 . . . Tom Bennett joins FEF/NFSP Board of Directors; one of the key principles in the National Archery in Schools Program, after which "Fishing in Schools" is patterned, has joined the FEF board. Tom Bennett, of Louisville, Kentucky, brings a unique level of experience and knowledge to our team.
April 26, 2012 . . . Fishing Education Foundation recipient of a 2012 National Youth Fishing & Boating Initiative from the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation
February, 2012 . . . Katie Cole appointed to Colorado Parks & Wildlife "Partners in the Outdoors" Steering Committee
January, 2012 . . . NFSP to be featured in "Wild On The Fly" TV broadcasts...see on the OUTDOOR CHANNEL, it’s a HD Show (High Definition)
January 6, 2012 . . . FEF files application for Youth Boating & Fishing Grant, with assistance of Partners
November, 2011 . . . Katie Cole selected to Trout Unlimited Youth Trout Unlimited's Headwaters Youth Board
November 4, 2011 . . . Field & Stream features "Fishing in Schools"
November 1, 2011 . . . Fishing Education Foundation releases new video, "Fishing in Schools" on YouTube
20, 2011 . . .
wins "Best of Show" , YOUTH-SPECIFIC Product at
International Fly Tackle Dealer annual trade show, New Orleans,
August, 2011 . . . Midcurrent online magazine features NFSP: Midcurrent Feature
July 14, 2011 . . .
Press Release: "No
Child Left Inside"
June 20, 2011 . . . "What's Right With Our Schools" airs
on Channel 10 WBIR News, Knoxville, Tennessee
"What's Right With Our Schools" June, 2011...Fishing Education Foundation/NFSP
joins OAK:
Outdoors Alliance for Kids March 31, 2011 . . . "Tennessee Wildside
News broadcast features Fishing in Schools"; see it on
NFSP will be presenting and conducting a Level 1
Teacher Training session, Central District, AAHPERD, February
2-4, 2012, Colorado Springs, Colorado 6/7/2011: Katie Cole, NFSP Program Manager,
teams with Josh Nease, West Virginia Headwaters youth education
coordinator for Trout Unlimited for
WV youth event 6/2-4, 2011: NFSP participates in Nation's River
Bass Tournament, Washington, DC 5/14 & 15, 2011: FEF/NFSP attends Recruitment &
Retention Summit, Colorado Springs, CO 5/11-13, 2011: NFSP supports 100 students at
culminating fishing event, Lincoln, NE 4/14-16, 2011: Fishing in Schools participates
in Jim Range National Casting Call, Washington, DC 3/2011:
The Wildlife Society Professional article, Spring 2011
North Platte Telegraph newspaper article, Nebraska 1/29/11: Tennessee Wildside TV program features
"Fishing in Schools" 1/2011: NFSP partners with 6 state fish &
wildlife agencies (CO, NE, NV, KY, TN, WY); partnership will
work to provide cost sharing, mentoring and support for "after
school" and club activities for NFSP schools 12/2010: FEF files application for funding with
the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF); acceptance
will support matching funds for 135 schools. NFSP will be presenting at the Central District
AAHPERD conference in Rapid City, SD, February 10-12, 2011 NFSP will be presenting at the Missouri
NFSP will be presenting at the Tennessee AAHPERD
state conference in Murfreesboro, November 1 & 2, 2010 NFSP will be presenting at the Arizona AAHPERD
state conference in Phoenix, October 21 & 22, 2010 NFSP will be presenting at the Aquatic Resources
Education Association (AREA) annual meeting in Omaha, NE,
October 4-6, 2010 NFSP to present at Association of Fish &
Wildlife Agencies Annual Meeting (AFWA), Grand Rapids, MI, Sept.
26-29, 2010 NFSP to attend American Fly Fishing Trade
Association (AFFTA) annual trade show in Denver, September 9-11,
Alliance for a Healthier Generation accepts NFSP curriculum
7/2010 News article,
Angling Trade, June 2010 News article,
Black Hills Pioneer, June 10, 2010 NFSP to exhibit
National Archery in the Schools Program national competition,
Louisville, KY; May 6-8, 2010 Katie Cole, Program
Manager, presents NFSP to Nevada Dept. of Wildlife, Volunteer
Instructor Training Academy; May 22, 2010 NFSP and "Front
news" in Durango Herald, April 6, 2010 SE District
Colorado Division of Wildlife to provide matching funds to area
schools...April, 2010 PSA, Colorado Division of Wildlife to provide matching funds to
SW District schools...April, 2010 NFSP
exhibits/presents at National
AAHPERD...March 17-19, 2010
NFSP Online
Store opens...November 24, 2009 Lincoln Journal Star newspaper article...August 9, 2009 NFSP presents at
AAHPERD conferences NFSP at
AFFTA Fly Tackle Dealer Show...September 10-12, 2009 NFSP hosts
fly casting competition at FFR
NFSP article in "Fly Fishing Colorado" September 17, 2009 NFSP in
weekly magazine...October 12, 2009 NFSP in Wyoming's
"Backcast" Newsletter...December, 2009 Tracy Krause,
curriculum co-writer, receives
2008 National Teacher of the Year Award...April, 2008
(OAK) is a national strategic partnership of organizations from
diverse sectors with the common interest in expanding the number
and quality of opportunities for children, youth and families to
connect with the outdoors.
AAHPERD state conference in Lake of the Ozarks, November 12-14,