
Other fly parts:

bead eyes (saltwater fly)

bead head nymph (mayfly)

Most fly heads on "standard" fly patterns are created by the tyer winding thread over the materials used to create the body, wing, wingcase and hackle.  A tapered appearance is preferred, and the thread is secured with "head cement."

Many modern flies now use manufactured materials to form the head.  Popular "bead head" and "cone head" nymphs & streamer patterns use a variety of pre-molded styles that are slipped over the eye of the hook and tied down.  These are made of brass, copper, tungsten, etc.

Some larger flies have heads with eyes that are pre-formed plastic or metal tied in, or are painted on.  "Popper" flies have heads of deer hair, foam, cork or plastic.

deer hair head (streamer fly)

painted eyes (streamer)

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