Learn How To Fly Fish Reference Library


The School of FlyFishing has compiled a database of resource materials, reference literature and a comprehensive glossary.

For a brief description of each department in the library, please click the subject below: 

The Reference Library has many different sources of information available:
1.  School Glossary . . . A comprehensive glossary including a list of terms that are found in the entire 10-Course Curriculum.  GO to the School Glossary.  

2.  Recommended Books . . .  This is a selection of many of the fine titles, from well-known and respected authors, that we have selected for their likely contribution to the education of beginning to intermediate flyfishers.  They are not meant to be a list of all such books.   They are presented in a simple list, showing a picture of the cover, the name of the publication, the author and publisher.  Via our partnership with Amazon.com, there is a direct link from our list to their website "store".  You can learn more about each title, read an overview of the subject and find out how much it costs.  If you choose, you can purchase any such book, or link to others.  GO to Recommended Books.

3.  Tips Library . . . Throughout the 10 Indoor FlyFishing Courses, "tips" are provided to teach students specific "tricks of the trade."  Often these are seen on the sidebars of the page, usually signified by the appearance of the tip.gif (893 bytes) graphic.  These individual tips are assembled together in the "Tip Library" so that students may access them all in one place, regardless of which particular course they are presently taking. GO to the "Tips" Library.

4.  Cost information . . . A general guide to the range of costs for many of the items of tackle and equipment covered in the indoor course. GO to the cost information.

4.  Fish Sizes . . . This information reflects the average weight of stream trout in freshwater for each given length in inches.    GO to the Fish Sizes.

5.  Reel Suppliers . . . List of suppliers of fly fishing reels. GO to the Reel Suppliers 

6.  Fly Line Suppliers . . . List of suppliers of fly lines. GO to the Fly Line Suppliers .

7.  Fly Rod Suppliers . . . List of suppliers of fly rods. GO to the Fly Rod Suppliers .

8.  World's Water . . . some data of interest to flyfishers. GO to the data.

9.  Fish Temperatures . . . List of preferred water temperatures for both freshwater and saltwater fish.   GO to the Freshwater Temps. GO to the Saltwater Temps.

10.  World Records . . . Lists both freshwater and saltwater world record fish as compiled by the IGFA (International Game Fish Association.) GO to the Freshwater Records; or GO to the Saltwater Records.  For up-to-date records, go to the IGFA website

11.  World's Rivers . . . the world's 10 greatest rivers rated by length.  GO to the World's Rivers

12.  Tail/fin characteristics . . . as a means of identification.  GO to fins.

13.  Anatomy of a fish . . . the specifics.  GO to anatomy.

14Stream flows . . . link to the US Geological Survey site showing instream flow realtime data. GO USGS

15.  Pronunciation . . . how to pronounce the names of aquatic insects associated with fly fishing.  GO to "How do you say that?"

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