Fighting butt

Butt Caps


Standard butt

A butt cap is the piece that fits over, or screws into, the bottom/end of the reel seat.  Like most other components that come "standard" in production fly rods, here again, unless you build your own rod, or have one custom-made for you, this feature is not one to which you have to pay much attention.

"Fighting Butts"

The "fighting butt" is generally a 1"- 4" long section that is added on to the reel seat to make it longer.  Its purpose is to provide an extension to the rod that is used to assist in playing larger fish.  It is often a separate, removable section that has a rounded, cushioned end.  It allows the fisherman to gain more leverage with the fly rod by placing this butt piece against his midsection.

Variety of butt cap styles

Sage rod with fighting butt and full wells grip

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